Are you still having problems losing weight? Shed pounds faster than ever with a new way to diet and exercise. Kickstart your metabolism to maintain a healthy shape!
1. Get those Zzz’s
As you submit your body to the trials of a rigorous workout plan, and work with an adamant gusto to lose more weight, you must get enough rest. We can't express this enough. Well, maybe we can; look at a recent study
released by the University of Colorado Boulder, which shows a continued lack of sleep over a work week (5 hrs.) resulted in the test's participants packing on as much as 2 extra pounds. Simply, the night owls of the group are shown to have snacked on less healthy, higher carb content meals and eaten smaller breakfasts; and a decent-sized breakfast is the
cornerstone of maintaining a healthy weight!
2. A Healthy Breakfast is Part of a Healthier You
This sentiment of wisdom has been preached time and time again, to such an extent, we’ve all been driven mad over it at one point or another. It has merit though; take it from the renowned and
proven accomplished health professionals of the world. Without a well-proportioned breakfast you increase the likelihood that you’ll succumb to hunger cravings throughout the day, and also put the ankle weights on your metabolism.
3. Hydrate
There’s a reason water is a timelessly hot commodity, and that water fountains freckle the hallways of respectable buildings and schools alike; hydration lies at the core of effecting positive change. Without enough water your bound to operate at less than optimal levels-groggy slow thinking and less physical energy, being a couple examples. But outside the adverse effects, we can look quickly to a
study released by U.S. National Library of Medicine, which concludes drinking enough water encourages water-induced thermogenesis, which as a result increases energy expenditure and encourages weight loss in participants fighting against obesity.
In laymen’s terms: drink more water!
4. Start in on Some High-Intensity Resistance Training
Results from a
study published by the Journal of Translational Medicine have gone on to show high-intensity resistance training may increase resting energy expenditure (REE), and as result improve fat oxidation, thereby encouraging greater weight loss.
5. Live and Let Go
Studies have shown that increase in your stress levels can directly
cause cortisol spikes, which increase your appetite and slow down your metabolism. So as you continue onwards with that grueling work grind you’ve committed yourself to, don’t be afraid (heck actively try) to take walks during lunch breaks, or find a nice and secluded park bench within walking distance from your workplace.
6. Keep Your Thinking Cap on when Dieting
Looking for that get rich quick, solve all dietary supplement will not ensure you keep the extra pounds off long term. You might fall into a habit that is rich in appetite curbing, energy boosting caffeine consumption, but eventually it’ll catch up with you. The truth of the matter is, you need to consume lesser amounts of calories, or actively balance calories consumption with your workouts, to ensure you’ll gradually lose weight. So keep a journal, and actively log exactly what it is your eating each day. The best diet plans benefit best from combining metabolism-boosting aids and keeping your head on straight.
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